Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Map of Hungary

If you look on the map, Tata is about an inch (if you've clicked on the bigger map) to the Northwest of Budapest.  It is on the main train lines from Budapest to Bratislava and Vienna.  I am very excited to be close to Budapest, but a little leery of living in a town of 25,000 people.  

First lesson in traveling abroad - be flexible...

Well - as of yesterday, my placement has changed for next year.  I was originally split between two schools located in Mohacs and Pecs- both of which are in the southern part of Hungary, near the Croatian border.  As of yesterday, I have moved to a different city, much closer to Budapest.  There was apparently a teacher who returned early from maternity leave, and that would have then divided me between three schools to accommodate for the loss of hours from her return.  I opted to re-locate, and have thus ended up in Tata, Hungary.  It is about 40 miles from Budapest, just northwest of the capital city.  It is a smaller lake town, with a "castle" and plenty of running routes.  I am looking forward to only being in one school, and the idea that I'll be closer to Budapest.  I just found a youtube video that highlights some of the nicer summer scenes in Tata