Wednesday, June 18, 2008

First lesson in traveling abroad - be flexible...

Well - as of yesterday, my placement has changed for next year.  I was originally split between two schools located in Mohacs and Pecs- both of which are in the southern part of Hungary, near the Croatian border.  As of yesterday, I have moved to a different city, much closer to Budapest.  There was apparently a teacher who returned early from maternity leave, and that would have then divided me between three schools to accommodate for the loss of hours from her return.  I opted to re-locate, and have thus ended up in Tata, Hungary.  It is about 40 miles from Budapest, just northwest of the capital city.  It is a smaller lake town, with a "castle" and plenty of running routes.  I am looking forward to only being in one school, and the idea that I'll be closer to Budapest.  I just found a youtube video that highlights some of the nicer summer scenes in Tata  

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