Monday, July 6, 2009


I spent the 4th of July in the oh-so-patriotic city of Luxembourg in Luxembourg.  I wanted to make sure that I hit all three parts of Benelux, and Luxembourg was the first one.  It's a small city, in a small country but beautiful none-the-less.  I arrived at about 11:30 and spent the afternoon wandering the city.  The hostel I was staying at was WONDERFUL, particularly after my experience in Paris.  

There wasn't anything really spectacular that happened other than I saw some spectacular scenery.  I rode the small train- duh! and walked along the walls of the old original city.  I got the chance to talk to my parents on the computer, which I hadn't done since I left.  It's weird to think since I live thousands of miles away, but when I'm in Tata I talk to them almost daily, so the whole time in Paris without being able to "debrief" with them was odd.  At any rate, Luxembourg was a welcome change from the overwhelming Paris.  I put on some pictures so you can see how nice it was for yourself.

I recommend the city as it was beautiful, but you don't need more than an overnight unless you're going to do some hiking or something. Worth the day trip though!!

This part of the sidewalk rose up from the ground and revealed an elevator that took goods down into the basement of this restaurant.  I saw a couple of the restaurants had these type of secret elevators.  Innovative.
looking up at the old walls of the city
fortress walls
meal in Luxembourg - over priced and not that good.  But what the hey...
casemates from the old city
looking down from the bridge
An American flag at a restaurant on the 4th
the Dotto for Luxembourg.  There was a docu-drama that told the history of Luxembourg while we traveled through the city
looking down from the bridge
the bikes for locals
the seal of Luxembourg
Pasta being sold from a truck - never seen this before
flowers for sale
that's my hostel at the bottom - the grey and brown building
the royal palace - the head of the grand Duchy of Luxembourg lives there.

1 comment:

kyl.v said...

did you get that man in the 7th picture down, the one where you point out the american flag at a restaurant scratching himself? :)