Monday, July 6, 2009

"To build up a future, you have to know the past" Otto Frank

I think the one "must do" in Amsterdam is a visit to the Anne Frank House.  I was just telling my mom how I had learned that the Frank house was in Amsterdam at a young age, and I teach my students about Anne Frank and her secret attic, but never did I imagine that I would be in Amsterdam visiting it.  What an experience for a history teacher, or anyone concerned with oppression or denial of human rights.  My first impression once inside the attic, (this is going to sound bad) was that it was larger than I had imagined.  Now, having said that, it was by no means a spacious area.  There were several rooms that housed Anne, her sister and parents, and an additional family and their son.  There were moving video clips of her father (the only one who survived the concentration camps) and other non-Jewish helpers who kept their secret.  There were artifacts from when the Frank's went into hiding, though the rooms were not furnished by request of Otto Frank.  There were of course, no pictures allowed, so I have posted some below.  It's in the name of teaching... so I broke some rules.  Yes, that's the big risk I took in Amsterdam- not smoking weed or drinking too much, but taking pictures in the Anne Frank house.  I did it without a flash, and spent enough in the gift shop to make up for it. I don't feel bad.  

the line outside to get in
the new front of the house

the entrance to the attic is behind the book shelf, where that guy is standing
there is the entrance
you're looking up a staircase to a mirror that reflects the very top area of the attic
one of her actual diaries - there were several books that she wrote in while in hiding.

1 comment:

Meg Tredinnick said...

Jealous! This would be awesome to see:)