Thursday, October 1, 2009

Győr - again

Megan and I met one weekend in our getaway of Győr. It’s mid-way between the both of us so it’s an easy rendezvous point for us. We ended up there on a beautiful Sunday and happened to catch a local jazz band playing on the newly done square. I had never seen the finished square so I was quite excited to experience the finished product. We had lunch at a nice outdoor restaurant that boasted “Traditional Hungarian Cuisine” though there was no paprika chicken on the menu. I was disappointed in that, but I lived. We ended our day with a trip to the mall – always loads of fun. Especially when you’re dropping lots of money on an external hard drive like I did. Yippie!
Megan checking out the band - remember, she plays the trombone in the Pápa orchestra, so she's always following the competition.
the band in the main square
where we ate

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