Sunday, November 23, 2008

Fishing Experience

While I was on fall break, the annual lake-emptying/fishing party took place.  I realize that in traveling I missed the celebration of the 1956 revolution and the fish tradition, but I heard a lot about them both.   As for the fishing, I don’t really see it as we see fishing in Minnesota.  First of all, they drain a significant amount of water from the lake for the winter, second, they use HUGE nets and just kind of lure them in.  I’m not entirely sure why this process occurs every year, as we leave fish in MN all winter long, but it’s a part of Tata – so it lives on.  I was able to catch (pun intended) some of the last parts of the fish catching as you can’t get them ALL in one weekend.  Let me tell you, I’m a bit scared of some of the things they found in the lake.  There are a crapload of carp (which I learned last spring were the junk fish that you threw away) and they then sell those carp at the Tesco.  BUT – there are some HUGE fish, I have no idea what they are, but in the pictures, they are in the boat- check them out! 

The whole process is interesting as it seems to bring together the community, but I find it to be one of those interesting cultural differences.  Apparently there isn’t much for ice fishing here J

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