Saturday, January 10, 2009

...Always be on your best behavior... you never know who is watching

The pictures are Matt (the Johnnie) and I, Marcello the Italian and I, Marty, Lon, Me and Matt, and Lon and I.

As I was relaxing and reading the fourth book in Stephanie Meyer’s “Twilight” series at the hostel, I had an interesting experience.  There were two young men at the computers in the common room.  They were discussing how to get to Neuschwanstein as it’s a little confusing.  One was chiming in with the train times, and the other was talking about ticket prices.  I thought to myself, I should really go help them because I have been there recently, and it would be easy for me to tell them how to get there, but I sat and continued reading.  About 5 minutes later, one of the young men stood up from the computer, turned around, looked me in the eye and said, “Staffa?”  It was a former Burnsville student, Lon Stousland, at the same hostel as me in Munich Germany.  I was so shocked- it was funny and awkward at the same time.  As it turned out, we were sleeping in the same room and everything.  So, I decided I’d buy him a beer – and the evening began.  As Lon and his friend Marty and I sat there, another weird coincidence occurred.  I was wearing my “MN Twins” shirt, so maybe I was more of a target, but two young men came into the bar, and as we started talking, I found out that one of them currently goes to St. Johns, and is going to move in with Bobby Klint, the younger brother of one of my friends from high school.  What a small world!!!  Once the rest of my team had awoken from their rests, we headed out to yet another beer house and then returned to the hostel for some more drinks.  It was quite an unusual evening.  

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