Saturday, January 10, 2009

Munich - after Christmas

The next morning, we got off to a late start, but everything was still closed in Munich so it wasn’t that big of a deal.  We headed out to tour some of the buildings in Munich, and ended up in some churches (one with a large iPod advertisement on the side of it- not the first that I have seen in Europe) and then to the German royal residence.  The royal residence was amazing.  There was room after room after room of intricate treasures and elaborate decorations.  Some of the palace was damaged in WWII, and they indicated where this had taken place, but it was still amazing.  We got the audio guides (see picture of Jake) and learned a lot about the treasures of the palace in addition to the various rooms of the building.  We had lunch at yet another beer house (I think we hit all the major onesJ)  After lunch we returned to the hostel for some well deserved R&R. 

The pictures are of some museum, Jake with the audio guide, the town square with the glockenspiel, the bright orange thing is art? in the middle of Munich’s pedestrian street, and the Munich royal residence (with the iPod ad on it). 

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