Sunday, November 16, 2008

Choir... the wine

So here’s a good one… I don’t remember what I wrote about the wine I ordered from the choir group, but it came.  Boy did it ever.  A couple weeks before the fall break, there was a sheet passed around the group and people could order wine from the famous Tokaj region of Hungary.  It’s famous wine, and everyone loves it.  When in Rome right?  I said I like semi-sweet white wines, so put me down for whatever other people are getting and that would be great.  Ok, well, everybody was getting 10liters of wine.  Yoinks.  Ok, great – here I come alcoholism… They told us it would be delivered after break, so we could pick it up then.  Well, the first week after break, I was hosting the election bash of the century, so I didn’t go to practice.  They brought it for me last Tuesday – and I was thrilled… until I saw the container it came in.  Yes, you are seeing correctly – there are 10 liters (minus two glasses) of wine in the former gas can of a container.  What in the hell am I supposed to do with that?  After you have a glass or two, it becomes impossible to pour because there isn’t a spout and it’s freaking heavy!  What a surprise this rewonderful wine was.  Hmph.  I was instructed to maybe get some glass bottles and fill them up.  Oh, okay – I’ll just run to Tesco and pick up some glass bottles.  Sheesh.  On a lighter note, the wine is delicious, and it only cost 6,000ft – or about $30.  Quite a deal – the price is reduced because there isn’t much put into presentation… obviously.  J

1 comment:

Meg Tredinnick said...

Hmm wish I could help you out with that problem;)