Tuesday, August 18, 2009

new haircut- Debrecen style

At this very minute, I am convinced that I personally am causing a hole in the ozone layer on my own. I got my hair cut this morning at a salon near my apartment, and the experience was like many other times I have had my hair cut in foreign countries. I walked into a local salon and said I'd like a haircut - and operation make the foreigner happy commenced. There were TWO shampoo stages, followed by conditioner. For some reason, I must be a huge wuss or something since my neck always gets sore from leaning back in that hair basin. Anyway, that was followed by a precise hair cutting, though we definitely were not really communicating as to what I really wanted since I thought she asked if my hair was too long, and apparently she said, do you like it long - and I responded with yes. OK - after the cut, she applied a softball size clump of mousse to my hair - I have SHORT hair, there is no need for that. Mousse was followed by a 26 minute blow dry - really? it takes me 3 minutes to dry my hair. After hair drying, there was hair spray - and then ratting. And then hair spray and combing out the ratting. There were final touches, and a waxy substance run through my hair. There was 10 times more product than hair on my head. Ick.

I always love getting my hair cut in foreign countries, mostly for the adventure. I can't even name all the places I have had my hair cut -Hong Kong, Bulgaria, Brussels, Hungary, Japan, Austria, Burnsville... the list goes on. The thing that interests me is that though I tell ALL the hairstylists world over the same desired cut, it always turns out different. And honestly, I don't REALLY care all too much about my hair. It will grow back, eventually. So even when a haircut goes awry- and LORD knows they have- I'll always survive and live another day. It's all a part of the adventure I suppose. :)

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