Sunday, August 2, 2009

My Life According to John Denver

This is yet another pocrastination tool being passed around Facebook. Using one artist, answer the questions - and you are encouraged not to use an artist you've seen someone else has used. Here is my life according to John Denver songs:

Male or female? My Sweet Lady

How would you describe yourself? A Wild Heart Looking for Home

How are you feeling? Welcome to My Morning

Where do you currently live? Wild Montana Skies

If you could go anywhere, where would you go? Fly Away

What's your favoured form of transportation? Grandma’s Featherbed

Your best friend is? Cool ‘An Green ‘An Shady

Your favourite colour? Rocky Mountain High

What's the weather like? Fire and Rain

What's your favourite time of the day? Back Home Again

If your life was a TV show what would it be titled? And So it Goes

What is life to you? Circus

How would you describe your romantic relationship(s)? Like a Sad Song

What are your fears? Falling Out of Love

What is the best piece of advice that you have to give? Earth Day, Every Day

If you would change your name, what would you change it to? San Antonio Rose

What is your one thought to sum up the day? Thank God I’m a Country Boy

How do you imagine you'll die? Hitchhiker

What's your soul's present condition? Perhaps Love

What's your motto? Nobody Can Take My Dreams From Me

How do you describe your political views? Around and Around

What would you say is your best quality? Love of the Common People

What is your favourite holiday food? Eagles & Horses

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