Sunday, August 2, 2009

Race Course

Ugh. Yesterday was a BRUTAL day for a race. It was mid-90s at the start of the race, and though the routes around the lake were shaded, much of the route was in direct sunlight. To my understanding, there were over 700 runners, and many were from foreign countries. There were Slovakians, Poles, Germans, Austrians, Romanians, an Ethiopian, and I'm sure other countries represented. They had some international flags (above) near the race start.

Getting ready for the start of the race.

This runner's shirt says "Sprint Runclub" Tatabánya - I thought to myself, "yeah right, this 70 year old guy is a sprinter" and yet... he's running in FRONT of me - and he never looked back. Hmph
How cute are these old ladies at the water stop? Not so cute when you realize they are handing out CHARGED water- that's a shock to the system when you don't need it. Ugh.

pretty flowers on the route

running toward the church

I was running so fast it was blurry :)
This guy - hunched the entire way... and yet - notice that he's in FRONT of me too!! I totally smoked him in the last 1000 meters though - don't worry.

lazy beach goers watching us all run by.
pretty woods run
through the woods still
running toward the castle

my school's gym teacher on left - 2nd in the 40-45 men category
Hungarian folk dancers to hand out the awards
one of my students doing a (sexy) dance as entertainment
pouring beers at the finish - for a price...
the km markers!

As in most races, I started off too fast, but due to the distance and the heat I crashed at the end - so my time evened out and I was one minute slower than predicted. I was pleased with the time, but not the way that I ran (like usual also). Oh well. It's over, I'm alive and I have the damn t-shirt.

1 comment:

Christie said...

did you get a shirt?