Monday, February 9, 2009

If nothing else, I can throw a snowball...

Today I woke up to snow.  I was not that excited since last week it was over 40 degrees two or three of the days.  I thought we were working our way out of this wintery season.  Now, I know all of you in MN are thinking, it’s only February – and early February at that, BUT this is Hungary.  This is only the second time I’ve seen snow here, and it won’t stay – but it was still an unwelcome sight this morning.  At any rate, the snow was the perfect snowball kind- heavy, wet and ripe for packing into a phenomenal snowball.  In between my two ninth grade classes, some of the kids went outside to play in the snow.  I watched them from inside, as they packed and packed the snow, and threw it at each other.  I almost fell over laughing when they threw the snowballs though.  It was almost embarrassing, they were lobbing them as if they were slow pitch softballs – not firing them at their opponents so as to make a direct powerful hit.  I promptly stepped outside, packed a snowball of my own, and nailed Bence in the chest.  I was applauded from indoors- a temporary hero – and they learned quickly that kids from Minnesota don’t mess around with snowballs- we shoot to kill.  

1 comment:

Meg Tredinnick said...

WHo throw's a snowball underhanded??? weird!