Monday, November 9, 2009


I believe I've written about Zoli before - he was the one who chose "Zombie Hunter" as his hobby that begins with the first letter of his name, and "armageddon" is his favorite English word.

At any rate, he is an interesting kid. He's much better at English than he lets on, and he has quite an active sense of humor and imagination. He works well with others, and takes charge in many group situations as he's usually the strongest English speaker. He sits right in front, so I regularly mess with him - sometimes I just stare at him and say something as stupid as "hey... whatcha doin??" He laughs all the time, and though he doesn't say much, when he talks it's hysterical - whether he's trying to be or not.

Having said all this, Zoli is super shy and doesn't go out of his way to make friends in the class. He chums around with a couple of the boys, but I regularly see him on his own to lunch, walking home or just heading from one class to another. This afternoon, I combined two classes as one teacher was out sick. After a rousing game of "Heads down thumbs up" I gave them about 10 minutes of free time. My heart hurt a little as my favorite little Zoli sat in his seat, not talking to anyone, playing with the strings on his sweatshirt hood... for the whole 10 minutes. I know kids are kids everywhere, but I wish some of these kids would realize what a gem he is and be better friends with him. Ahhhhhh Zoli...

Isn't he a cutie?! He's such a funny kid!

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