Monday, August 10, 2009

Tata - August

I took a walk yesterday morning - and it ended up being a 6 mile trek around Tata. I took a lot of pictures - some that I've taken before... but I still enjoyed my time out in the town. I was able to climb up the 170 rickety old stairs in the tower that is next to Calvary Hill - I didn't even know that was possible! I finished the walk with my favorite ice cream in Tata.

flowers maintained by unemployed Hungarians
The post office
Along the lake
flower shop
lake - my school in the background
the tower I climbed
a house in Tata
perching in the lake
the lake and water tower (my choir had a concert in the tower apparently)
another home in Tata
monument to fallen Tata soldiers
on my way up the tower

My school (on the left) towering over the lake
Calvary Hill
Calvary Hill
Calvary Hill
Pretty fower - hibiscus?

A random house in Tata
My mom and dad in a couple - I mean 20 - years...
the castle - St. John the Baptist in the lake
New seating area for the fancy new restaurant on the lake
my FAVORITE ice cream place - a soft serve machine in this lady's garage :)
the end of my walk - YUM!!!

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