Monday, January 26, 2009

...I'll never get it right...

So Last week I decided I’d head to TESCO since I hadn’t been there since almost Thanksgiving.  I really needed some cinnamon square cereal – I was totally out and I eat it every day for breakfast.  I have a new schedule – since after the holidays- so I don’t have a 6th period on Tuesdays anymore.  I thought – what a good idea that I can head to TESCO early and still make it home while there is daylight.  So, I hoofed it down to the bus stop to catch the 1:40 bus.  As I was crossing the street to the stop (at 1:37) I saw a bus – and conveniently it said “TESCO” right on the front window.  Usually there is a number – 1 or 1E is the bus I was looking for, but what a deal that I have my own limo to TESCO.  Cool!  So I jumped on the bus, showed the driver my pass, and sat in the front row, eager for my adventure to the big store.  I had my backpack on, so I was sitting on the edge of the seat, and my TESCO bags in each hand – I was ready for this trip.  The busdriver said something to me, I didn’t know what.  I heard “… blah blah blah Tesco blah blah…”  I nod and say “igen” (yes).  I was thinking, I want to go to TESCO, sure – whatever you’re saying.  He repeated himself a couple of times, each time I nodded and assured him, “igen.”  I could tell that the other three women on the bus were talking about me, I wasn’t sure why, but whatever – I’m used to it.  The busdriver said his statement one more time, and I busted out my best Hungarian statement “unfortunately, I only speak a little Hungarian; I’m an English teacher” and smiled my big “I’m a foreigner so excuse whatever I do” smile.  He gave up and continued driving us to TESCO. 

SIDENOTE: I was telling my 9th graders this story the next day (because what happened once I got to TESCO was the story-worthy part) when one of them interrupted me.  Little Nori raised her hand and said, “um Carla, the bus that says ‘TESCO’ on it is the one that picks up the workers… did you ride it the whole way there?”  Oh man… I stopped to look to see if she was joking, and she certainly was not.  Holy crap.  I rode the employee bus to TESCO – no wonder the busdriver kept asking me things – he was asking if I WORKED at TESCO, not if I wanted to go there.  ARRRGHGHGHGHGHGHG!!  Just when I think I’ve nailed it, I get screwed again.  Ugh – Tata and your buses!

At any rate, the “story-worthy” part happened after the bus incident.  I was preparing to catch the 2:40 bus home (which I actually belonged on) and was shooting out the door at 2:39 when the bus pulled away.  No problem, in each hour there are TWO buses that leave the TESCO – on the hour and either on the 20 or the 40.  So I walked over to check when the next one came, and of course, for whatever reason – there are NO buses that leave during the 3 O’clock hour.  So I had to sit at TESCO from 2:40 to 4:00 waiting for the next bus.  AND – the killer is… guess what I forgot to buy.  Cinnamon square cereal.  GEEZE.  Another day in the life of Carla.

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