Saturday, January 3, 2009

Yet another Friday in Tata

I decided early on last night that I would go out to dinner.  I needed to met more people in the Tata area – who weren’t students –and get myself out there a bit more.  I decided on Fregatt’s pub and restaurant because it is close, I had no food, and it’s a pirate bar.  Who doesn’t want to spend their Friday night at a pirate bar?  I got dressed up, showered for the first time in three days, did my hair and makeup and was heading out.  I was a bit nervous since I don’t usually do well on my own at a bar on a weekend night, but what the hell.  I had worked up the courage and I was going to do it.  I walked with confidence to Fregatt’s and was excited to see someone walking inside as I approached.  I wasn’t sure if things would be open – it’s Hungary and they don’t need a reason to shut things down- I walked in the first door, and as I peeked through the second door, I saw that NO ONE was inside.  I turned around, looked at the hours of operation, and it was open according to the sign.  I turned back around- and since two waitresses were already looking at me, I forged ahead.  I walked in, becoming acutely aware of the emptiness of the place, and I asked in fumbled English – “are you open?”  playing the foreigner card sometimes worked in your favor – it lessened the thoughts of how big a loser you are.  They looked at each other, looked back at their manager and looked at me and said “we have one table open.”  Sorry, one table?  The whole place is open… I said “oh, you’re having a private party right?” and they responded with “yes… but there is one table free.”  The manager looked at me and said, “what would you like – to eat?” and I responded with “yes, I am looking to eat dinner” and he asked how many there were and I responded in Hungarian “csak én (just me)” losing more and more confidence by the second… he then offered to seat me in a center table in the restaurant – right smack dab in the middle of the tables that were clearly decorated for some occasion… reception, birthday, I don’t know.  I said that I would just find somewhere else to eat – that it was not a big deal, and I bolted as fast as I could.  I continued on to three other restaurants in Tata, all of which were closed.  I was all dressed up and had nowhere to go.  I returned home, made a peanut butter and jelly sandwich and put in a movie.  I lead an exciting life here in Tata.

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