Monday, June 29, 2009

Oreos and Peeps

Earlier this year, I received a package of gold in the mail from Molly (Cooley) Schuster.  It was Peeps and Oreos, two things I mentioned on Facebook that I missed.  Instead of downing an entire pack of gooey marshmallow things and the savory rows of Oreos, I brought them both to school to share with the 9th graders.  I have included some pictures of the Oreos - they really enjoyed them.  The peeps they were more ... curious... about, but gave them a whirl anyway.  They don't have marshmallows here, so they were fascinated by this weird creation in the shape of a blue bird.  Sadly I can't locate the "peep" reaction photos, but the Oreo ones are good too.
Bence Papp trying the Oreo - his immediate reaction, "Carla, where can I buy these?"  "You can't, they're from the USA" "Oh" he said, "I'll check E-bay then"

Jozsi giving it the smell check
Curious about the packaging and the magical cookies (I have to refer to them as biscuits - British English- because "cookie" in Hungarian refers to a small boy's penis.  These things don't take long to learn)

1 comment:

Meg Tredinnick said...

Hee hee, weird to think they don't know what Oreos are!