Wednesday, November 5, 2008

The Blue Mosque

After the bath, we picked up our laundry and headed back to the hostel.  Megan and I were a little distraught because there was a French woman in our room of 4 – (and an Italian woman, but she was cool) who smelled like ass.  Her clothes were disgustingly smelly and she put them on the radiator to dry.  So- her smell was mixing with the hot air that was coming through the room and spreading her stank.  It was AWFUL.  At one point, I moved her shirt off onto her bunk, only to have her move it back later.  Gross.  Oh well – you can’t win them all I suppose.  We met the boys for dinner (we had a lovely dinner at a restaurant near our hostel) and tried to explain our afternoon, which was difficult to do.  Afterwards, we headed to the Blue Mosque and were able to get inside.  You had to remove your shoes, and women had to cover their hair.  I’m pretty sure we did it on purpose, but all three of us had matching blue pashminas on.  Megan’s was her gift from the Iraqis, and Vivvi and I bought the same one because we liked the color.  So – we looked pretty goofy inside the mosque together, but what can you do.  We also took a picture, which I have included, and I look terribly uncomfortable because I didn’t really know what to do – do you smile?  Are you even supposed to have your picture taken at a mosque?  What’s the protocol?  The Blue Mosque was beautiful.  The lighting was funny in my pictures because it isn’t well lit, but it was beautiful to see the tiles there and see the layout of a mosque.  I have included some pictures so you can see.  

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