Wednesday, April 29, 2009


One sidenote I forgot to mention, is the coffee in Europe.  I have never been a coffee drinker.  I am a cold caffeine girl – so Diet Coke is for me.  However, my dad has been a coffee drinker for about 100 years, and that wasn’t going to change once he arrived in Europe.  Now, he doesn’t go for the fru-fru frappuchinos or any sort of flavored coffee – he likes it just as regular coffee with a little cream in it.   Europeans, on the other hand, like it strong and thick- lots of espresso like drinks in Europe.  So, when my dad first ordered a Euro-coffee (incidentally at McDonald’s) was he in for a surprise.  He’s gotten used to it, a bit – or when he orders a coffee, just puts a ton of cream in it.  He has embraced the caffe latte – (is that what it’s called, or am I just thinking of the resturant in St. Paul)… at any rate, he’s gotten a bit used to it – but my most entertaining coffee day was our first morning in Ljubljana.  We were at a hotel that served a nice breakfast.  He had prepared a plate and was in search of a beverage.  Once he located the machine that seemingly delivered coffee, the adventure began.  He looked up and down at the choices, and finally decided on one.  He pushed the button next to the choice he wanted, and waited.  He wasn't sure if his drink choice had finished or not, so we got the lean down and look - and since he wasn't satisfied with the amount of coffee dispersed, he pushed the button and made himself a double... after he finished filling his cup, he decided to put some sugar in his coffee - the adventure continues... see last picture.  It took a bit to get those sugar chunks out :)

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