Thursday, December 31, 2009

My homies at the train station

There certainly is a distinct smell this time of year once you enter the Tata train station. It originates from the homeless people who find refuge in the station at night when it's cold out side. While many people in the community scoff at the homeless here, they don't deserve to be treated that way. I don't know why they ended up homeless, but I can't imagine it was as a result of desire to be homeless.

On several occasions, the homeless have been MORE than polite to me here. They have warned me not to waste my money in a broken coffee machine, they have held doors for me, smiled and greeted me with a "have a good journey" among other positive interactions. While admittedly, I'm more cautious with my possessions around the homeless, they have never done anything to harm me and are just shy of pleasant to encounter. It's a shame that the stigma is so negative, because I'm certain they all have different things to offer the community and country.

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