Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Twilight - New Moon

I was lucky enough to be considered "cool" recently by my 13A students. They were planning a trip to the premier of the second Twilight movie "New Moon" and made sure to invite me to go with them. I read all four Twilight books last year, and passed my English copies throughout the school as more and more students became interested in reading them. They have been translated into Hungarian also, but many students wanted the challenge of reading them in their original language as the translations prove to be a bit disappointing at times. At any rate, I met several of the students at the mall on Friday night and waited in eager anticipation of the new film. It played here in English with Hungarian subtitles, so I was pleased. We met at the food court before the movie - many of us eating at McDonalds despite the fact that we had just finished "Super Size Me" in class. It was a bit comical as one boy there- who hadn't watched the movie with us- ordered 5 hamburgers. FIVE? Yikes. At any rate, we got to hang out for a bit before the movie started as they have assigned seats here for movies. We went in just before the movie began and enjoyed a great film. It wasn't as good as I'd hoped it would be - in fact it was a bit cheesy, BUT it didn't matter because I had a great night with good people. Now that I think about it, I saw the first Twilight film with students last year. I suppose I'll have to return to Hungary to see the third and fourth movies :)
This has nothing to do with the film, but it was going on at the mall when I arrived - majorettes (baton twirlers) in the recently decorated open court of the shopping mall. Only in Hungary would there be baton twirlers at the mall... or maybe in the US, but I've never seen it.
the kids getting ready for the movie
me with some of the kids

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