Sunday, May 24, 2009

Boo in heat...

Boo in heat

The pictures are post-spaying, the video is of Boo in heat.  

  Well, I had never seen a cat in heat before, and though this video is relatively tame as to what I witnessed at first, Boo's general discomfort with life during her "heat" caused me to get her spayed.  I have read numerous accounts that cats are more comfortable in the long run as a result of being spayed, and since she was in heat more often than every two weeks, I decided to bite the bullet - or rather, she did.  Luckily, if you remember back to my earlier blog entries, the vet here speaks fluent English.  He had a practice in Ohio somewhere, and is very comforting to have in the office when I have a sick cat.  He decided to spay her the next day for the whopping price of 6000 Forint - $30.00.  I thought I can afford that and she was a day patient the next day.  I didn't video her after she got home, but she definitely was still drugged when she got out of her cage initially.  She was dragging her back legs because they were still numb, and she was falling regularly - just falling over.  It was sad to watch - but she just kept trying to walk around, but wasn't able to stay upright.  Not to mention the glossed over eyes and iodine yellow stomach.  It was really sad, but she's finally feeling better, so it was good - I think.

1 comment:

MoSchu said...

A care package for Boo...I mean you...should be arriving in Tata in as long as it takes to get from MN there being shipped last Thursday the 21st. Just so you're watching your mailbox and hopefully your nosy neighbors don't get it instead:)