Sunday, May 24, 2009

Preserved for all posterity

Each year, the graduating classes get a large Tableau made of all of their pictures and their teacher's pictures.  I was honored when the 13A students asked me to have my picture on their Tableau, but not really sure that I actually wanted to go through with it.  We have tableaus hanging throughout the school from the early 1940's - so they've been there a long time.  Though I've wandered the halls many times looking at these boards and wondering where the people are now, I never thought that my crazy mug would be up there some day for someone else to look at.  But, I reluctantly had my picture taken, and now the 13A tableau sits in the Tata toy store window, proudly touting my picture.  I look like a complete doofus in the picture, but it will remain there, along with ones from the other schools in Tata in other local business windows, until the school retrieves them to hang in their hallways.  Maybe in 30 years I can return to try and find my picture somewhere in the school.

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