Thursday, July 16, 2009

The Bastard

Well, I'm sitting here in my apartment, sweating just thinking- and FINALLY reading "The Bastard" by John Jakes.  My mom has tried to get me to read his books for a long time now, and I finally found that I have no more excuses.  It's going pretty nicely, I've read 5 books in the last two weeks.  Imagine that, a life where all I do is sit around and read.  I also watch old episodes of Frasier and have gotten into Cold Case - still wishing there was some way I can access West Wing - that would make my summer.  At any rate, it's REALLY hot here- low 90's.  So, it makes it tough, for both Boo and I, to really become motivated to do anything.  I have to go to Tatabánya today for some parts for the washing machine, but I still haven't gotten up the energy to go catch a bus.  I ran a bit this morning, but it was difficult in the heat too.  

I'm also feeling a bit lonely.  Justin left for Afghanistan yesterday.  Good-bye's are always hard.  We decided it wasn't good-bye, but see you later, but one never knows what will happen as a result of this deployment.  Most of the other teachers from my program are traveling or at home in the US already, so it's just Boo and I - feeling a bit down.  

I just registered for the Budapest half marathon in September, so that's a bit more to push me to run... and I'll start gearing up for school soon enough with the pending arrival of Economics and Government textbooks I'll be using once back in the US.  If you have any summer "must reads" feel free to send them my way :) Other than that, nothing of excitement is happening here- trust me.  

Think of Justin in your prayers, he's heading off to do some pretty dangerous stuff - mostly with IED's - and they are on the rise in Afghanistan... and think of me as I transition from one year in Hungary to the next, not knowing what will come of me in the future.

1 comment:

Meg Tredinnick said...

Hugs, and good thoughts! Wish I could help the lonely part, but you're a LITTLE far away????