Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Lake Balaton

I ventured to Lake Balaton yesterday to see what the fuss is all about. Here I am, a girl from the land of TWELVE thousand lakes, and I live a half mile from one - what's the point? It was a whole different ball-game at Lake Balaton. It's a popular destination for Hungarians and other Europeans alike - as evidenced by my encounter with two Germans - see next post. I've never really gotten into the "beach" culture. I never did a spring break trip to Mexico, don't have any desire to go lay on a beach for an entire vacation. Sure, I'll go for a day, but I get restless and sunburned too easily. I also don't really enjoy going into lakes because I don't like to walk on seaweed, and I'm scared to death of fish. At any rate, I decided to go on a Monday so there wouldn't be the crowds of the weekend. It worked, I guess... it was crowded since it was a beautiful day, but I think the weekends are still much worse.

It was also my first real experience with a European beach... and one that won't quickly be forgotten. Several things I experienced at Lake Balaton that I'd never seen before at a beach (granted I don't spend much of my free time beach combing, so maybe these things are prevalent in the US as well and I'm just unaware):

1. speedos - lots of them... old men, young men, fat men, skinny men, hairy men - all in speedos.
(note the naked toddler wearing a do-rag- very Hungarian)

2. topless sun bathing... enough said.

3. tents- I've never seen a tent on a beach before, but they were a-plenty
4. water polo nets in the water- and people using them

5. women in bras and underwear as acceptable beach attire - come on grandma... just buy a suit.

6. "sexy" dancers doing a routine with a fan blowing water on them... it's 10:30 on a Monday for Pete's sake... and all taking place right in front of the family water park.

7. Bungee jumping - "no risk, just fun" the hell there's no risk jumping off a box that's suspended by a crane that is not in a permanent location - with 12 year olds running the controls for the whole thing. Sure - no risk...

8. fun water vehicles with slides down the front...

9. advertisements for a special club event - "sex in the club" - under 18 not allowed. (I'd post the picture but there were two naked ladies on it)

10. So many people wearing suits that don't flatter them or shouldn't be worn by them. Admittedly, I don't have a perfect body, and it'll be a cold day in hell before you get me to wear a bikini - but why don't other people realize that should be the case for them too? I (for the first time in decades) wore just my suit at this beach. I started in a skirt and strapless top, then changed into my suit with shorts over- then I flat out had the confidence to wear just the suit - because I saw who else had the confidence to do so... people who probably shouldn't have. There are lots of thong bottoms too- male and female... yeesh.

None the less, it was a beautiful day, and a beautiful lake and I'm glad I went. I did use the 55 sunscreen that my mom sent with me to Hungary. You know what happens when you go to the beach for FIVE hours with 55 sunscreen on? You stay exactly the same color as when you showed up... except for those two splotches on your back that you missed because no one was there to help you, and the German guys were too drunk to ask (see next post). Granted, my legs look like neapolitan ice cream now - white thighs, red knees and brown calves, but most of the rest of me is the same. I suppose that's good though since I have a running event this weekend - and running with sunburn is really not fun. Anyway, I had a good day over all. here are some more pictures.

Park in Siófok
Beach entrance
docks in the water
souvenirs - paprikas and pálinka
view of the lake from the train

1 comment:

Meg Tredinnick said...

Have you never been to Mexico? We saw a lot of this stuff on our honeymoon. Although, most of them were European tourists:) I agree that some people need to be told what to wear in public!