Monday, July 6, 2009

Oh Hostels...

So I'm sitting here in the hostel I'm staying at... and this Canadian is complaining about the mustard in Europe.  He wants French's mustard, and doesn't like the mustard anywhere in Europe.  He's starting up conversations with strangers asking if they miss mustard.  When a nice English girl said "you should have brought some with you" his response was, "I didn't know they were crazy here."  He claims he puts it on every sandwich he eats, except for peanut butter.  Thanks for the clarification.  

You meet, or learn to avoid, lots of different people at hostels.  Yesterday I pretend answered my cell phone in Hungarian and had a mini-conversation with no one so as to pretend I didn't understand English.  In doing so, I avoided conversation with another weirdo.  Granted, hostels definitely draw a particular type of traveler, but man... there are some weird people out there.  I should do an ethnography on the hostelling subculture.  Starting with the jack ass who is sleeping on the bed below me who tossed and turned all night, causing me to toss and turn as they are not sturdy bunk beds.  Oh - this study would be fascinating.

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