Friday, July 31, 2009

Minimarathon - Tata style

Tomorrow is the big race- the Tatai Minimarathon. (It's spelled Tata-i because the "i" denotes that it is "in" tata). I've been running in preparation for this race because I don't want to look like a total fool. I am a capable runner, though I've NEVER been fast - and there are loads of people who will concur. I can go the distance though - four marathons and several half marathons is nothing to scoff at.

However, this particular race presents some special circumstances. First, it's at 4pm in the height of the mid-day heat. It' supposed to be 90-95 degrees tomorrow. I'm used to getting up in the morning, putting on my race gear, having half a Diet Coke and a small breakfast and going to the race. Not the case here.

Second, it's a "mini-marathon." Every race that isn't an official marathon is dubbed a "mini"marathon. I don't know why. And they're all different distances- I've done a 7km mini-marathon, a 5km mini-marathon and now, a 14km mini-marathon. That's an 8.6 mile race for those of you without metric minds. Typically I average a 10 minute mile - slow and steady wins the race right? Well, that lands me at 86 minutes for a finish - in IDEAL conditions. NOT in 95 degree heat and humidity. On top of that, they are CLOSING the course at 100 minutes. I'm going to be dead last!!! ARGH.

The last gem of this race is that only the first 1000 finishers get t-shirts. We all know I do the running for the t-shirts- no question. Can I finish in the first 1000? I have no idea, but man- if I run in that heat and humidity and DON'T get a t-shirt, they're going to have another revolution to celebrate in this country.

Last funny thing about tomorrow - I found the information on-line in two formats. One was in English and German- the following picture is the cover of the 6 pages of info:
If you want to blow it up, just click on the picture. Nice classy cover, athletic runner, the castle - it's beautiful.

The information also came in a Hungarian version. I kid you not, the following is the cover of the info in Hungarian:

Look at the "runners" on the Hungarian info - what is to be deduced from the differences in body styles from the English/German version and the Hungarian (the HOST country) information. Hmmm... makes you wonder. Well, maybe not, since tonight, instead of a pasta party there will be a "bread and drippings" party. I'm not sure what that entails, but you can bet I'll be there!!!

Wish me luck tomorrow - I'm getting a bit nervous...

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