Friday, October 3, 2008

Criminal minds

Well, we've gotten to the bottom of the nasty neighbor situation - kind of.  Mirtill took care of things once I showed her the note.  She went to see the headmistress right away, and got full support from Martha (the head mistress).  Martha said that Mirtill was to take me home, and see if there were "house rules" anywhere to be found.  Then, Martha said that she would like to be invited to any building meetings so that she could be informed of things and pass the information on to the American teachers living there.  How nice!!!  

Throughout the day, the students were concerned as well.  I had shared the note with a couple of students at various levels, and word spread quickly that I had been upset earlier.  Two different students offered to get a group to escort me home to converse with the neighbors. Two other students told me that they would write notes back to the neighbors to tell them that it wasn't me and to leave me alone.  The other students just wanted to make sure that I wasn't sad anymore.  How cute.  

At the end of the day, I was a little nervous.  Mirtill was on a mission.  (thankfully I had told her about the cat earlier that day so she wasn't surprised when she came over).  She looked at the names of the other people in the building -Martha wanted the names of suspect neighbors so she could make some phone calls- and then we went upstairs.  She decided that it would be a good idea to introduce me to the neighbor on my floor - which definitely was.  She is about 60 years old- lives by herself, and was very pleased to meet me.  She told Mirtill that her daughter lives in Ireland, so if I have any problems I can come over to her house, and she'll call her daughter and they can translate between each other.  Clearly she isn't the nasty neighbor.  

Today when I got to school, Maria told me that her husband who knows someone who lives in my building said that there is a crazy lady who lives here, with xxx as her last name (I don't remember right now) but I knew right away that this is the lady who is directly below me.  Apparently she calls the police regularly about a crying baby who lives next door to her.  Whatever.  Also, Maria's husband told her that if I bring any more notes in, they are not to translate it literally, they are to say that it is something really nice instead.  Ahhh, sweet Hungarians.  

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