Tuesday, October 21, 2008

So I'm not as smart as I look...

Well - I've put two and two together and finally reached five.  The Hungarian chain gang - as mentioned in earlier posts - was not cleaning just for the heck of it.  This week, the country of Hungary celebrates it's Revolution (of 1956- one of the many).  There are new Hungarian flags hanging on the street posts, tents near the water front in preparation for the celebration, and the town is shaping up in general.  Apparently Tata draws quite a crowd this weekend, as there is a fishing contest (to clean out the lake) and several performances over the next few days.  SO - I thought people were just cleaning to clean - not the case.  They are preparing for their equivalent of the 4th of July - and they're doing a nice job.  

So yeah, I just thought I'd let everyone know.  Maybe I can get some pictures of the new flags up.  

On a different note - I ran (pun intended) across several individual runners with numbers on running through town today.  They are doing a 5 day "super"marathon from Vienna to Budapest.  Yes- they are running from Vienna to Budapest.  That is over 150 miles... so yeah.  30 miles a day?  Yeesh.  That's MORE than a marathon a day - times FIVE.  So I stood and cheered for a while, but they were very sporadic in the times that they came, so it wasn't that exciting. 

Tomorrow afternoon, I am off on a vacation- I will be traveling from Tata to Budapest, Budapest to Sofia, Bulgaria - Sofia to Istanbul (provided it's not too expensive) and from Istanbul to Transylvania in time to celebrate Halloween at Dracula's castle (the castle of Vlad the impaler...).  Wish me luck on my travels - I'll have no computer, so no real updates while I'm gone.  See you in November!


kyl.v said...

have fun!!! *only a little jealous*
and by little i mean a LOT

Meg Tredinnick said...

Fox 9 news just had a story about how Hungry was voted gloomiest country in Europe, I bet you're not surprised:)