Monday, October 6, 2008

Race Day

We got up and had a nice breakfast – thanks to Hanna!  And off we went.  We got there plenty early, mostly because I’m insane and have to be relaxed before a race.  We watched the start of the Marathon, cheered on the “fun-runners” and then headed to our start.  We weren’t here to have fun –we were serious runners.  Ok, maybe not, but we had fun.  Our race was 7.5k, and that was plenty long for the running that I have been doing lately – I don’t think three times a week is enough to really be running anything too competitive.  We had many different people take our picture, and once the countdown began in Hungarian- and both of us joined in- we were off!!  The weather couldn’t have been more perfect – the sun seemed to come out as soon as we got to the starting line and it was about 55 degrees or so.  Absolutely perfect for running.  The race course was interesting, down Andrassy, then across Eotvos (the name of my school) and back up parallel to the train tracks and then through city park.  Besides the occasional cobblestone that is not really that great for running on, the course was fun!

Hanna rolled in with a smile on her face –as she should, it was her FIRST RACE!  I didn’t even think about that until right when she finished, but I am so proud of her.  This was no lowly 5k that we ran, it was 7.5k- that’s a distance!  I hope that we can continue running enough to do another fun race somewhere cool.  Prague, Vienna?  Who knows.  We celebrated by eating the goodies in the finisher’s bag, and with a trip to McDonalds’s.  We earned it!  Way to go Hanna!

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