Tuesday, October 7, 2008

sick kitten...

Well, I am convinced that Boo is very sick.  She threw up before I left on Saturday, and didn't eat hardly anything while I was gone.  She hasn't been drinking water, so I've been giving it to her through a straw.  She has had loose stools and won't play at all.  I thought she was getting better after I tried a third new food - a wet one, but she still had loose stool, and this morning peed on my bed as she was sitting there.  I've been doing a lot of reading on how to treat this, but the main thing that everyone says is that it is very serious and I should take her to the vet.  I'm not sure what to do, because I have only had her a week and a half... can I bring her back to the pet hospital and say = what the hell?!  You gave me a sick cat?  The language barrier is really not helping the situation.  Ugh.  I don't know what to do... wish me luck.


John Bartholow said...

Hey Carla,
I was reading your blog in the midst of Mandi Johnson's study hall... how sad! As a near-life long cat owner, I'd say your friends are right, Boo should go to the vet asap. Something is happening in the digestive tract it sounds like... although the urination thing isn't so great either (i.e. I gave up my childhood dream of being a vet for being a teacher). Kittens from large groups like that can be suspicious too (genetic problems due to inbreeding?).

Btw, the English Dept asked about you today at lunch, and Vi was very very excited to hear about your Church Choir exploits and promised to read the blog.

Laura Lawrence said...

You did not have any flowers in a vase in your flat did you? Cats love to eat lilies, and then their kidneys fail after about a day. I saw my friends cat go through it... very traumatizing.