Thursday, October 2, 2008

Well call the police why don't ya...

Ok - so this morning, I was getting ready to head out to school - it's thursday (my favorite Hungarian word- csutortok- with umlats over every vowel) it was going to be a good day.  Until... I stopped to check my hole with a flap (mail box) to see if my letter about the bank card had arrived.  Lo and behold, I had another hand written note in Hungarian in my box.  Shit.  I didn't have time to try and translate upstairs, so I just put it in my bag and headed out.  I had my Hungarian lessons in my ipod, and my book out to read while walking, but I was so angry that I had received another note, I couldn't concentrate.  What was this one about?  The cat?  I didn't see either word for cat in the note... it couldn't be the cat.  I had only done one load of laundry since the last note and it was at 5 in the evening- a reasonable appropriate time... what could it be?  I got to school all fired up and ran into the two I run with, Nori and Dori.  I asked them what it said, and again- with arms up over their mouths, they gasped.  Crap crap crap.  This couldn't be good.  They said that whoever wrote the note called the police because I was moving my furniture again.  WHAT?!  I hadn't moved anything since the first day I got here and had re-arranged my place.  What are they talking about?  Did I move a chair to get at the cat?  Did I move something to get to a shelf? NO.  I hadn't done anything.  Ugh.  OK- I thanked them for the translation and headed into the office.  I showed the ladies in the office, and immediately started crying.  This was the hard part of living in a foreign country- I couldn't write back because I can't formulate a sentence - after all, I'm only conjugating verbs - I didn't know who had written it - and I couldn't apologize and explain that I had done nothing wrong because I don't have the appropriate skills to do so verbally.  Ugh.  What a way to start the day. Three of my colleagues got on the phone to friends to try and collect information about my neighbors - they wanted to see who would be writing letters like this.  Let the investigation begin... ugh.


Anonymous said...

oh jeez staffa causin trouble in hungray u crazy american! is that ur address on the page?? cuz if it is u might be recieving something...

Anonymous said...

ps staffa its will anderson leavin these comments!!!

Vivvi said...

WFT?! Hungros are supposed to be nice people. Who is the jaded, commie, monster that is your neighbor... you should set a trap to learn who is leaving these notes. I understand not knowing how to talk to people can be SO frustrating, but it gets better :)

GOOD LUCK. If it keeps happening, call Hajni, she is in the mafia you know!